Frank Rendo - Remembering Christmas |
Hello everyone!

Unbelievably, it's been almost a full year since I've posted anything here at
Ramblings Regarding RENDO. My, how time does get away from us, yes? It's hard for me to believe that it was over one year ago that Frank, along with
Orlando Pena and many others, put on the show of the year at the
Patchogue Theatre in Patchogue, NY...the show, based on music solely composed by our mutual, late, dear friend,
Palma Pascale. The show was titled
Orlando Pena |
Though I was unable to attend the show live, I now have the DVD and can hear that it was warmly and enthusiastically received, and the show was an unqualified success. I'm positive Palma was quite pleased with the result of the show from her heavenly dwelling place. I have not written a blog specifically about this musical extravaganza, per se, but have intimated in other blogs how wonderfully it was done. If you'd like to read what I have penned so far about Frank, Orlando and
DID YOU TALK TO HIM TODAY?, the show Palma composed the music for, check it out here:
Fred Guarino tuning up for Frank's single,
"Don't Laugh At Me." |
There have been many things going on in Frank's life this year. Among them has been his recording efforts with several well-known musicians from the area at
Tiki Recording Studios, under the masterful engineering of another mutual, good friend,
Fred Guarino.
www.TikiRecording.com Though the recording has been for others, Frank does enjoy time in the studio.
He is also readying for another trip to Israel. He has been there a few times prior, and this trip will commence during January of 2012. As I understand it, it will be a 10-day journey to the Holy Land. I'm sure we'll hear lots of good stories & maybe see some great photographs as a result of this amazing trip.
New Marquee at
Samantha's Li'l Bit of Heaven |
There have been numerous engagements and shows throughout Long Island as well as other cities in the great state of New York, along with Frank's regular first Saturday night at
Samantha's Li'l Bit of Heaven. www.Samanthaslilbitofheaven.org. Frank has been performing on the first Saturday night at Samantha's for over 15 years. It's a perfect, intimate spot to share laughter, tears, prayers and goodwill along with Frank's repertoire of inspiring music. If you haven't had the opportunity yet to get to "Heaven," I would highly recommend you check it out on a first Saturday, soon. Owned and operated by yet another mutual, sweet friend,
Samantha Tetro, whose ministry it is to have this wonderful coffee house and use it as a spiritual tool to facilitate not only gatherings for music like only Frank can provide; in addition, there are classes, and speakers, ministers and mighty laughter from many, most especially my 'fabu' friend, and a very good friend of Franks, the "
Clean Comedy Queen," Funny
Pat Shea.
Frank with Funny Pat Shea & Samantha Tetro |
I've written about Frank's outstanding Christmas offering,
REMEMBERING CHRISTMAS over several years' time, now, yet it bears repeating time and again. The cd itself is a masterpiece, really. I can say that more with each passing year from a musician's standpoint, as well as from a proud friend's point of view. The cd was released in November of 2007.
This cd, as sung by Frank, arranged and conducted by
Palma Pascale, and recorded with expert engineering by
Fred Guarino is far and away my favorite Christmas cd. But beyond that - I have, personally, begun recording some of these very songs because they are such poignant, lovely songs and I can tell you from personal experience, though all three of these talented individuals make the listening of this cd most enjoyable, in what is seemingly an effortless flow of song, one to another....there is nothing "easy" about any of it!!!
Frank ~ Remembering Christmas |
To Frank, the "song," no matter the genre, seemingly, is interpreted with conviction and soul. He can make one visualize the scene instantly, and he brings the emotion out in every single word. When you've finished listening to something Frank sings, you might ask yourself "
how did he do all that, just with his voice." Frank is an actor, as well - so you get two versions of artistry rolled-up into one with him. Easy, though? Easier for Frank, yes, because of his natural talent, but he worked hard to get to this point. There is nothing "easy" about the amount of effort one expends to get to the point of being able to "get out of your own way" and make the song come alive. Because of Frank's tremendous training and his commitment to bringing his songs to life by singing them from his very heart and soul, it looks effortless, indeed, from our seats. And these Christmas songs each do tell such rich stories.
Lovely Palma Pascale |
Duplicating these wonderful songs has been anything but easy, I can assure you. One cannot just "sing" them - the stories must be "told," if you get my meaning. Being able to "get out of your own way" and sing with conviction and heart I am learning each day is not something that just "happens." Nor is being able to compose, orchestrate, arrange, and play these songs "easy." Yet again, our Palma makes each one of these incredible songs burst with life, and it seems so effortless - all of the strings, flutes, oboes and clarinets - all of the drums and tuned percussion - the pianos, harp, brass and other wind instruments...they're all there, and each one flows in the music as if an entire symphony orchestra were present. Let me repeat again....there is nothing "easy" about this process, either. Yet for Palma, it seems as simple as tying her shoe. Palma
lived the music - and her compositions, ~two of which appear in this compilation,
Remembering Christmas and
Much Less Than Christmas, ~ will live on so that generations' more musicians will be able to try their hand at recording and singing them. They are timeless, and of such quality that many others, I hope, will have opportunity to enjoy and perform them.
Listening to this exquisitely produced cd , I hear so many different instruments - played so wonderfully by Palma, and with such "
taste," always! What a talent she possessed. What an amazing talent she truly was.
Frank Rendo |
Please read on as the blog just prior to this one is also about
REMEMBERING CHRISTMAS. And there is another - the very first blog in
RamblingsRegardingRendo is about meeting Frank, being asked to sing on the cd myself, and hearing this compilation for the first time. It seems like only yesterday in many ways.
If for some reason you don't have your own copy of
Frank Rendo's REMEMBERING CHRISTMAS, you can get one in various ways. You can e-mail either Frank (
FrankRendo@Yahoo.com), or me (
bmjfan@mchsi.com); you can purchase yours from CDBaby,
www.cdbaby.com, download it digitally from CDBaby, purchase it from Amazon,
www.Amazon.com, or you can digitally download your own copy at iTunes.
And so, as you begin your preparations for this upcoming holiday season, take some time to be still.....and listen. Listen to your own heart - remember the words of God - listen to the Christmas story as re-told, in song, brilliantly interpreted and performed by my talented friend,
Frank Rendo.
We'll be REMEMBERING CHRISTMAS when the family was with us - the greatest of gifts we could own. Oh they'll never leave us...they're waiting to greet us...the gift of the memories at home...."
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Photos courtesy of Frank Rendo, the Palma Pascale collection, Dominick Avento III, Orlando Pena.